Comprehensive security
What is comprehensive security?
Comprehensive security is the cooperation model of Finnish preparedness, where vital societal functions are handled together by authorities, businesses, NGOs and citizens.
Vital societal functions are:
- Leadership
- International and EU activities
- Defence capability
- Internal security
- Economy, infrastructure and security of supply
- Functional capacity of the population and services
- Psychological resilience
Overall principles of comprehensive security
The Security Strategy for Society has last been updated in 2017. The application of the strategy's goals, the Government Resolution on Comprehensive Security, the policies listed in the Foreign and Security Policy Report, and the Government Programme are the most most important steering documents of the Committee. Responsibilities and tasks for societal preparedness are based on law.
The overall principles of comprehensive security are outlined in the Security Strategy for Society. The current applicability of the Strategy is followed by the Security Committee, and it is updated via government decision when deemed necessary. The goal is that the overall principles would last across governments. The practical application of the Strategy happens through sector-specific or cross-sectoral strategies, programmes, and other documents. Examples of this are the Strategy for Internal Security with its programmes, and the Finnish Cyber Security Strategy and its programme. Realising the central goals of the government reports covering security strengthens Finnish security and develops Finnish welfare in a quickly changing and hard to anticipate international environment. For the resourcing of preparedness and security, environment analyses play a central role.