Operation and responsibilities

The Security Committee assists the Finnish Government and ministries in comprehensive security matters. The Committee follows the Finnish security environment and development of society, in addition to coordinating the proactive preparation related to comprehensive security. The operations and responsibilities of the Security Committee are legislated in the decree of the Finnish Government on the Security Committee (77/2013).

The Security Committee consists of 20 members and four experts from different branches of government, officials and business. The Committee became active in February of 2013.

The Security Committee assembles approximately once a month. In addition, the Committee organizes seminars and hearings with organizations, businesses and other liaisons with the objective of generating conversation and collecting the information required for the development of the security of society. The Committee prepares statements and recommendations for issues related to comprehensive security usually by the request of the responsible ministry or member. Examples of the Committee’s operations are the Finnish Cyber Security Strategy and its implementation program prepared under the Committees direction.

As a permanent and broad-based cooperation body for proactive contingency planning, the Security Committee works for comprehensive security. The Security Committee is placed at the Ministry of Defence. Its mission is to assist the Government and ministries. If emergencies or incidents occur in society, the Security Committee will act as a specialist body.

The Security Committee continues the work of the Security and Defence Committee in the field of comprehensive security and preparedness in Finland. It is also responsible for the Security Strategy for Society, which coordinates preparedness measures by the state, municipalities, organisations and the business community in various security situations. The Security Committee also monitors and coordinates the implementation of the new cyber security strategy.