The Security Committee

What is the security committee?
The Security Committee assists the Government and ministries in broad matters pertaining to comprehensive security. The Committee follows the development of Finnish society and its security environment and coordinates proactive preparedness related to comprehensive security. The Government Decree on the Security Committee (77/2013) gives more detailed information on the tasks and the principles of its work. The Security Committee comprises a total of 20 members and 4 experts from a number of administrative branches, authorities and the business community. The Security Committee started its work in February 2013.
The Committee meets about once a month. It aims to stimulate discussion and collect information necessary for the development of security in society by arranging seminars and public discussions with various organisations, the business community and other cooperation partners. The Security Committee prepares statements and recommendations on matters related to comprehensive security, most often by request of the responsible ministry or another member. Finlandâs Cyber Security Strategy and its implementation programme are good examples of the work completed under the Committeeâs guidance.
Comprehensive Security
Comprehensive Security is a Finnish preparedness cooperation model in which the vital functions of society are looked after through cooperation between the authorities, the business community, organisations and citizens. The Security Strategy for Society was last updated in 2017. The goals of the Strategyâs implementation, the Government resolution on comprehensive security, the policy-setting of the Security and Defence Policy Report and the Government programme are the most important documents to guide the Committeeâs work.
The tasks and allocation of responsibilities for preparedness in society are based on legislation. The general principles governing comprehensive security are outlined in the Security Strategy for Society. The updatedness of the strategy is monitored in the Security Committee and the strategy is updated by Government decision as needed. The aim is that the general principles of the strategy last over different government terms. The practical implementation of comprehensive security takes place through strategies specific to administrative branches, intersectoral strategies, implementation programmes and other documents. Examples of these include the Internal Security Strategy and its implementation programme and Finlandâs Cyber Security Strategy and its implementation programme. Government reports on security are guidance documents that set out specific key focus areas and goals through the implementation of which Finlandâs security can be strengthened and its well-being promoted in a rapidly changing international operating environment that is difficult to anticipate. Descriptions of the operational environment play an important role in allocating resources to contingency planning and security.